I Transhumance in La Siberia - Fuenlabrada de los Montes, Garbayuela, Tamurejo and Siruela.
Execution Dates: November 23, 24 and 25, 2017.
Objectives of the action: Recognize and make visible the intangible heritage of transhumance in La Siberia.
Developed activities:
- On the occasion of the Fiesta de la Trasterminancia, several sections of the Cañada Real Segoviana and Las Merinas were covered, giving rise to the I Transhumance Comarca de la Siberia. The first section of displacement of black sheep merino sheep left from Fuenlabrada de los Montes on November 23 to Garbayuela. From there he moved to Tamurejo on November 24 to conclude his tour in Siruela on Saturday 25.
- In the same way, throughout the week various activities were developed in order to value not only the ancestral practice of grazing in Siberia but also its landscapes, its culture and its people.
Galería I Trashumancia