Accesibles Places

  • Healt Center

Address: Avda. de la Constitución, 8, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Phone: 924 620 161
Characteristics: The entrance door of two leaves , each measuring 83cm wide. Entrance by ramp.

  • Restaurant La Alacena del Castillo

Address: Explanada del Castillo, s/n, 06630 Puebla de Alcocer
Phone: 626 057 594
Characteristics: Entrance at street level. Toilets for the disabled. Elevator to go down to the restaurant


Practicable Places

  • Pharmacy Lda. Emilia Vilaplana y Lda. Guadalupe Núñez Cabanillas

Address: Avda. Constitución, 7, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Phone: 924 620 353
Characteristics: The two-leaf entrance door each measures 78cm. The threshold measures 13cm on the right side and 5cm on the left side of the partition.

  • Convent of San Francisco

Address: C/ San Francisco, 28, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Characteristics: The entrance by ramp. The two-leaf entrance door

  • Antique Utensil Museum

Address: C/ Convento San Francisco, 8, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Characteristics: The entrance has two leaves, each measuring 60cm. The threshold measures 10 cm of tabica.

  • Hotel Restaurante La Codorniz

Address: C/ La Laguna, s/n, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Phone: 924 620 110
Mail: jaimecodorniz@hotmail.com
Characteristics: The entrance door of a leaf measures 87cm. Entrance at street level. Rooms on the first floor. There are no rooms or toilets for the disabled.

  • Bar Restaurant La Huerta

Address: C/ Carretera Castuera, 5, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Phone: 924 620 162
Characteristics: The entrance door of two leaves. Inside the bar there is a step of 23cm of riser. Entrance at street level. There are no toilets for the disabled. Lateral entrance by ramp to the restaurant.

  • Bar H2O

Address: Avda. Extremadura, 14, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Characteristics: The entrance door two sheets, each measuring 64 cm. Entrance at street level.

  • Pub Marín

Address: Avda. de la Constitución, 6, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Characteristics: The entrance door two sheets, each measuring 65 cm. The threshold measures 8cm.

  • Bar Strenia

Address: Avda. de Extremadura, 34, 06630 - Puebla de Alcocer
Characteristics: The two-leaf door each measures 80 cm. The threshold measures 5cm by ramp at street level