Regarding the navigation in the dams integrated in Siberia extremeña, the competent authority in the matter is the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation
- Official web:
In addition to the possession of the certificate of the vessel or plate with the identification serial number, as well as, where appropriate, the possession of the motor certificate, civil liability insurance and nautical certification necessary , among the procedures to follow for navigation in La Siberia, you can find the corresponding document:
The windsurfing tables, the floats shall not require the presentation of said responsible declaration tubes and boats propelled to rowing with length less than 2.50 m, because they are considered complementary artifacts of the bath. The use of these devices can only be carried out in places where bathing is not prohibited and are subject to the regime of common uses of the public hydraulic domain.
The presentation of the responsible statement does not give carte blanche to navigate anywhere. Except in the case of certain public activities and events, navigation in stretches of undamaged river is not allowed, in addition there are also certain restrictions in the reservoirs of the hydrographic basin of the Guadiana River. These restrictions can be found at the following link:
In the same document you can also find the different fees and charges for the use of the public hydraulic domain for the exercise of navigation in application of the provisions of article 112 of the revised text of the Water Law. In addition, the registration of those boats that require it, has an associated fee of € 64.
The Responsible Declaration allows the exercise of navigation from the day following its presentation in the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation, without prejudice to the faculties of verification, control and inspection of the basin organization.
Regardless of the completion of this declaration, the applicant may be required to provide another set of supporting documents in accordance with his / her particular request.
The sending of the responsible declaration and the attached documentation, must be made via postal mail to any of the dependent addresses of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation mentioned below:

Addres: Sinforiano Madroñero, 12. 06011 Badajoz
Tel. 924 21 21 00
Fax. 924 21 21 40

Addres: Ctra. Porzuna, 6. 13002 Ciudad Real
Tel. 926 27 49 42
Fax. 926 23 22 88

Addres: Avda. de Badajoz s/n 06400 Don Benito
Tel. 924 81 08 87
Fax. 924 80 00 08