Los Diablucos: Helechosa de los Montes - Sunday of the Corpus (June).
Tradition of Helechosa de los Montes that has been celebrated for more than 500 years. This representation of the struggle between good and evil has medieval origins, assuming also a mixture of pagan and Christian elements. The Christian representation is present in the Corpus Christi, which is celebrated 60 days after Easter Sunday. The neighbors accompany the procession through the streets of the town, accompanied by "Los Diablucos", figures that constitute the pagan element of the aforementioned elements.
The Diablucos embody the evil and as its name suggests represent the figure of a devil, composing his clothing a red jumpsuit of a single piece that includes a tail in his back. They wear a demon mask and they play drums, rattles and castanets during the procession, dancing around the priest who blesses each altar present in the streets, whose pavement is adorned by reeds and branches, thyme and rosemary. Arrival procession to the High Altar, the diablucos flee in disarray on the occasion of the Eucharist, representing this allegory the triumph of good over evil.